Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Value of Stillness

Recently, I have been pondering the value of stillness in my personal life. What does it mean to be still? What do we learn in those moments of inactivity? Why can it be just as difficult to not do as it is to do?

​What does stillness do for an organization?

We are conditioned for growth. To present more work, to serve more people, to be more visible. How many organizations have grown unwieldy and opaque over the years? Proof of unnecessary growth is apparent in many organization's concerns about "mission drift".

Your mission cannot drift if your movements are conscious. The only way to consciously move is to be still long enough to know where you are.

In moving both myself and Colloquy Collective forward, I am embarking on a bit of stillness. I realize that this moment is important and rare: we have no status quo to maintain, so every option is available. I endeavor to not just grow for growth's sake. 

For now we will be still like a lion in the grass, aware of both its power and the opportunity it has been given.

Do you use stillness in your professional life? How does it serve you?


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